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Your Trusted Partner for Market Data Solutions

Market Data. Managed.


Taking your market data to the next level

  • We make sure that you get what you pay for and that you pay (really only!) what has been contractually agreed.

  • We monitor market data usage and allocate (and report) accordingly. 

  • We use comparisons with other companies to provide ongoing context about market data usage and costs.



  • We ensure that your contracts are up to date and that the relevant legal entities are involved

  • We record and monitor the relationships with your market data providers (e.g., number of providers, contracts, do's and don'ts)

  • We clarify who uses the data and how



  • Wen ensure that (only) the right people have access to the right market data for the right business purposes

  • We are your point of contact for questions about new data requirements for new customers, reports and investment solutions.

  • We continuously search for unused market data and thus for potential savings



Example based on a bank with 500-1'000 employees, a trading floor, and its own Asset Management unit

Case Study

Annual savings from contract optimisation

CHF 400k

Annual net savings by delegating vendor management to GMDS

CHF 100k

Annual savings from a reduction in market data duplications

CHF 100k

One-time investment for a GMDS Market Data due-diligence

CHF 200k

About Us

  • We know the who's and why's of Market Data

  • We know the relevant Market Data suppliers

  • We have the right pool of experts 

  • We have negotiated and re-negotiated more than 1'000 Market Data license agreements with the major Market Data providers in the EMEA buy-side market.

  • We know the different terms and conditions of all major providers for legally compliant data usage and have enabled our clients to become compliant and avoid provider penalties 

  • We have also worked as internal employees and consultants for global data providers

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